Monday, April 22, 2013

Tis the season for grilling!! My favorite time of year!
Perfect for my new journey to lose some weight!

Well well well... look who's back to the blogging world! Few things have kept me away, 1) camera took a shit back in Aug. of 2012.. yeah, the day of my grandson Chase's 1st birthday never the less! Figures, my luck can go like that sometimes. Life will do that to you, you just have to learn to roll with it I guess. :) So no camera, no blog. 2) Financially we've been strapped! Who isn't now days but by the grace of God things are really looking up for us! I'm not going to bore you with all that because that's not what I want my blog to be! I want it to be positive, informative and a pleasure to read. And I guess to give you a little glimpse into my wonderful, crazy, busy life. 3) I've had 3 more grandkids and one more on the way, so busy doesn't even to begin to explain it. LOL Total now is 7 going to be 8 by the end of the year! :D So.. recipes and crafts to come I promise. :) Spring is here and it couldn't of came any sooner! My depression that hits me like baseball bat every winter is/was pretty bad this last season. I've come to the conclusion that sooner or later I'll be moving to a warmer climate because of it. Happy Blogging and Happy Spring!